
Ah…my little corner of the Internet, where I can be myself rather than just another author, the posturing horticulturist on NPR, or onstage at garden events. No coat and tie, no workaday horticultural correctness, just a crusty gardener who travels the world looking for whatever’s a good fit for my garden and me.

In my small but overstuffed plot of land I try out interesting design elements and grow hardy plants that need little or no care. I accessorize with bottle trees, gaily painted tire planters, and other whimsical yard art, including the ancient topiary practice now called “crape murder.”

Enjoy a scroll through photos of really quirky stuff I’ve seen on far-flung garden travels. Hope you find inspiration, but won’t mind getting a little affronted. After all, it’s my blog, about my garden life – and those who know me expect no less. Besides, as Martha once quoted me as saying, “No matter what you do, your neighbors are gonna talk about you anyway.”

Now let’s get dirty.

Label reading 'visit my blog' with witch hazel

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Don’t miss this post

TIRE PLANTER – Rolling with Recycling - Eudora Welty struck a chord in the 1940’s, when she described women and children fight­ing over tires off a wrecked car. The children needed swings, but the women wanted them for planters.

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What’s next?

As you’re here, linger a while and poke around to see what you can find. You want my suggestions? Your first point of call should be my latest blog posts. Sign up to follow while you remember, so you’ll be first to find out when I share something new.

Scroll around to find features: everything you need to know about bottle trees, details of my latest book, Maverick Gardeners, a requiem to our beloved crape myrtles, for a closer look at my truck garden or to read about Dr Dirt’s legacy. I’ll leave you to search out the rest.

If you have an extra minute or two, check out the HGTV article about my little “gallimaufry” garden.